There are many different reasons why you may be getting sick while traveling. It could be due to factors such as:

  • changes in climate
  • a lack of sleep due to time zone disruptions
  • eating unfamiliar foods
  • drinking contaminated water
  • the stress of traveling, which can weaken the immune system
  • not taking adequate precautions to protect yourself

Fortunately there are many preventative measures that can make you less susceptible to illness, and not ruin your vacation.

How to prevent getting sick before you start traveling

Here are a few things you can do before you leave.

  • If you are traveling in a foreign country, check with the pharmacy to see what travel vaccines are needed. Different vaccines are recommended for different countries. For example if you’re headed to Cuba, get a hepatitis vaccine.
  • Be sure to check the CDC website for any travel health notices regarding your destination.
  • There are still COVID vaccination requirements for some countries. Make sure you are up to date with your immunizations.
  • And just in case, make sure to pack a first aid kit with over-the-counter medicine, bandages, and other supplies.

Tips for staying healthy while traveling

Here are 9 ways to avoid getting sick during your vacation.

  1. Exercise regularly, even if it’s just a short walk. This can help you stay energized and fit during your travels.
  2. Keep hydrated. Drinking plenty of water (bottled water and no ice cubes depending on your destination) and limiting sugary drinks can help you feel better while traveling.
  3. Eat healthily. Focus on eating fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and try to stay away from heavy meals.
  4. Get plenty of rest. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Don’t overdo it on the activities.
  5. Don’t forget to take medications. Be sure to bring your everyday medications and vitamins with you when you travel.
  6. Practice proper hygiene. Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Bring sanitizing wipes to help keep germs and viruses at bay.
  7. Avoid contact with people who are ill. If you aren’t sure, avoid sharing drinks, food, or other items.
  8. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing. Take precautions to shield yourself from the sun and weather conditions.
  9. Have fun and relax.

What should I do if I get sick when I travel?

Sometimes all the preventative measures don’t stop you from illness.

As a Canadian abroad, if you do get sick, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Depending on the length and location of your trip, you might need to contact a Canadian embassy or consulate to get assistance. Learn more about what happens if you get sick in another country.

Bring your travel medical insurance

So far we’ve discussed sickness. However, accidents also happen that can require medical attention. In addition to vaccines and packing a first aid kit, we also recommend you pack travel medical insurance to cover any unexpected medical costs. This type of insurance covers a variety of medical needs such as hospital stays, doctor visits, ambulance transportation, and prescription drugs. It may also provide coverage for lost or stolen items, and trip interruption or cancellation.

It’s vital to understand the details of the plan, what coverage is provided, any exclusions, and other important provisions. Travel insurance can provide peace of mind, while protecting you against significant emergency medical costs.

If you’d like to talk with one of our travel advisors about your upcoming trip, we’d love to provide a quote for Medavie Blue Cross Travel Insurance.

Our advisors are not connected to a particular insurance company…they work for you, and their services and advice are free. Plus, they’re all certified by TRIP- a governing body for travel insurance professionals.

Why Do I Always Get Sick When I Travel?